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You're right to be confused about the
number of mass shootings
The risk is of being killed in a
deadly and indiscriminate massacre is exceptionally low.
James Alan Fox Opinion contributorPublished 5:02
a.m. ET Mar.26, 2021 | Updated 10:13 a.m. ET Mar.26, 2021
"Two mass shootings in less than a week" was how
CNN's Chief White House Correspondent Kaitlan Collins introduced her live
report about President Biden's remarks following the recent massacre at a
Boulder, CO supermarket. Meanwhile, the CNN website featured a story beneath
the attention grabbing headline, "The Colorado attack is the 7th mass
shooting in 7 days in the US."
The stark inconsistency in these two
statements about the prevalence of mass shootings is not just a function of
different platforms - CNN on air versus CNN online - promoting a mixed
message. Discrepancies in how the scope of the problem is characterized can
be found at the same news outlet.
According to The New York Times,
mass shootings occurred twice in the past week, but then also at the rate of
one a day. Of course, these wildly varying assertions were published on
separate occasions.
Contradictory data and tallies of
Also, seemingly contradictory tallies are
sometimes cited by different journalists from the same outlet. For example,
this paper carried the news about two mass shootings in less than a week
while previously another reporter wrote on the more mass shootings than days
These inconsistencies boil down to which definition and which
data source are used for context. By the definition established decades ago,
a mass shooting is the killing of at least four victims from gunfire. Such
incidents take place, on average, about two dozen times per year, according
to the Associated Press/USA TODAY/Northeastern University mass killing
database (of which I am one of the principals). There has been little change
in frequency over the past couple of decades except for a spike up to 33 in
As an alternative, in 2013 the Gun Violence Archive (GVA) started
tracking mass shootings defined very differently. Since nothing in the
phrase "mass shooting" implies death, the GVA adopted the definition of four
or more victims shot but not necessarily killed. These episodes occur
hundreds of times a year, even several times in a day.
information provided by the Gun Violence Archive is undoubtedly of great
value. Unfortunately, the GVA counts of mass shootings are frequently
invoked to try and portray a horrific thing (such as the Boulder massacre)
as commonplace - the "new normal" as some contend.
I do not mean to
ignore the awful suffering that comes from gunshot wounds, but death is
different. Conflating fatalities with injuries, some of which may actually
be minor, can be terribly misleading. Nearly half of the GVA mass shootings
resulted in no fatalities, and less than one-quarter involved multiple
deaths. Only about 7% reached the threshold of a mass killing (at least four
victim fatalities).
Mass confusion arises when figures associated
with the broadest notion of mass shooting are referenced when reporting on
an incident of much greater severity. For example, in the wake of a 2015
mass shooting in Oregon that resulted in nine fatalities and 20 additional
injuries, the Washington Post ran a story indicating that there had been 294
mass shootings in just 274 days of the year to that point. The piece
included a calendar of daily counts of mass shootings showing a few days
with as many as five cases.
Counting based on injuries or
A corollary concern, besides whether the threshold
is based on deaths or injuries as well, is the varying nature and location
of mass shootings. The Gun Violence Archive's data include a large share of
family shootings in private residences as well as gun battles related to
gang conflict or illicit drug trade. The 611 total cases for 2020 sounds
rather scary, but very few were of the type that people fear the most.
What truly frightens folks are the seemingly indiscriminate and deadly
shootings in public locations - a restaurant, shopping mall, theater,
church, school, and now supermarket. Such dreadful events can happen to
anyone, at any time, and without warning. That is why as many as one-third
of Americans say they avoid certain public places out of concern for falling
victim in a mass shooting.
When it comes to deadly mass shootings in
public places, such as the recent massacres in Colorado and Georgia, these
rampage killings with four or more fatalities happen, on average, fewer than
a half-dozen times per year, reaching a peak of ten in 2018. Altogether
these mass public shootings claim, on average, about 50 lives annually. Of
course, one fatality is one too many, but in a population of more than 330
million, the risk is of being killed in a deadly and indiscriminate massacre
is exceptionally low, hardly justifying avoidance of public spaces and
James Alan Fox is the Lipman Professor
of Criminology, Law and Public Policy at Northeastern University, a member
of the USA TODAY Board of Contributors, and co-author of "Extreme Killing:
Understanding Serial and Mass Murder." Follow him on Twitter @jamesalanfox