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25 years after Columbine shooting,
schools are safe despite public perception of danger.
Although understandable, our response to
school shootings − requiring students to participate in active shooter
drills, arming teachers − is out of proportion with the actual risk.
James Alan
Fox Opinion
contributorPublished 5:09 a.m. ET April 19,
2024 | Published 5:09 a.m. ET April 19, 2024
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When it comes to mass killing, April 20 is a day
of infamy. On that date 25 years ago, two teenagers became arguably the most
notorious school shooters in American history by gunning down a dozen
classmates and one teacher at Columbine High in Littleton, Colorado.
1999 Columbine massacre was neither the first nor the deadliest school
shooting in our nation’s past, but by all measures it's the most significant
in its impact on school policies, public attitudes and popular culture.
For the first time, the horrific drama was broadcast live. Recordings of the
two assailants planning and practicing for the assault were released
publicly. Regrettably, a Columbine video game, T-shirts and other cultural
artifacts gave the two shooters the celebrity status they sought.
Klebold and Eric Harris fully expected to achieve fame and notoriety. As one
of the assailants predicted in the so-called Columbine Basement Tapes, “I
know we’re gonna have followers because we’re so (expletive) God-like.” And
their influence has persisted ever since with more than 100 copycats
committing or attempting to commit similar attacks at schools across
The Columbine effect is much wider than the occasional acts of
copycats. It includes ways in which schools have been transformed in terms
of security and the widespread perception of students and their parents that
schools are unsafe.
Columbine gave rise to school lockdown drills

In the aftermath of Columbine, parents began to purchase
bullet-resistant backpacks for their children. And schools began to stage
lockdown drills that have questionable value but unnerve many impressionable
children with attempts at realism.
Columbine might have been the catalyst
for widespread panic, but various data reports have served to reinforce and
increase the sense of danger.
For example, the Center for Homeland
Defense and Security’s K-12 School Shooting Database suggests that the
number of incidents has grown exponentially − with nearly 1,000 cases since
2021. Importantly, the definition of a school shooting used in this database
is quite broad: “a gun is fired, brandished, or bullet hits school property,
regardless of the number of victims (including zero), time, day, or reason.”
My analysis, as a professor of criminology, of the K-12 school school
shooting data for the past three years indicates that nearly 90% of the
shootings did not take place inside the school itself, but in parking lots,
athletic fields or school buses, where lockdown drills and metal detectors
are not relevant.
The math on school shootings:
As students head back
to school, should parents worry about shootings? The math says no.
course, frightened parents think about the threat of a Columbine-type
massacre when confronted with these statistics. However, the overwhelming
majority of incidents have little to do with the safety of their children
while in school.
The fears of students and their parents are focused more
on active shooters, whether they are students or outsiders, roaming the
hallways armed with a powerful instrument of death.
Based on my review
of FBI documents, since Columbine there have been 50 of that specific type
of attack, resulting in victim injuries or fatalities, for an average of two
per year. Of course, that is out of nearly 130,000 schools in America.
Congress has ignored gun violence. Here are the voices of the victims from
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
understandable, our response to school shootings − requiring students to
participate in active shooter drills, arming teachers, installing security
equipment − is out of proportion with the actual risk.
These actions
intensify fears, rather than alleviate them, by suggesting to students that
a bullseye is on their backs.
Threat of school shootings needs
While there might be a handful of students who idolize the
Columbine shooters and decide to follow their lead, history suggests that we
might reduce fears as well as the risk by downplaying the threat of school

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From 1996
through 2001, there were eight multiple fatality school shootings in the
United States, prompting newsman Dan Rather in March 2001 to declare that
school shootings were a national epidemic. But then there were none for the
next four years.
Once the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks took place,
Americans shifted their attention and concerns away from school shootings
and squarely on a different threat to their safety.
I’m certainly not
suggesting that we invite a tragedy to deflect attention from school
shootings, only that we keep the risk in its proper perspective. Schools are
indeed safe. Offered structure and supervision, children are safer in school
than out.
James Alan Fox is the Lipman Professor of Criminology, Law and Public Policy
at Northeastern University and a member of the USA TODAY Board of
and author of "Violence and
Security on Campus: From Preschool through College."
Website: Follow
him on Twitter @jamesalanfox