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Jacksonville shooting has already
faded from memory. Victims deserve better from the media.
I watched the marathon coverage and was
disturbed by the representation of the assailant as a powerful individual
armed with a deadly weapon, a hero for like-minded hatemongers.
James Alan
Fox Opinion
Published 5:54 a.m. ET Sept. 9, 2023
Before being replaced on the front pages of
newspapers by Hurricane Idalia, the fatal shooting of three Black residents
of Jacksonville, Florida, by a 21-year-old white supremacist dominated the
news cycle for days - and for good reason. Although the death toll was not
as high as large-scale shootings that have shocked us this year, the
apparent hate motivation made it particularly newsworthy given the political
The blanket coverage included surveillance video of the
gunman aiming his "AR-style" rifle at defenseless victims outside and inside
the Dollar General store. As is customary, viewers were warned of the
disturbing nature of the images.
I watched the clips and was indeed
disturbed, but not in the sense that underscored the alert. The video did
not show any of the victims, much less how they were killed. What I found
disturbing was the representation of the assailant as a powerful individual
armed with a deadly weapon, a hero for like-minded hatemongers.
is not an endorsement of the "no notoriety" agenda that encourages law
enforcement officials and the news media to avoid showing images of the
shooter or revealing his name. The identity and headshot of the assailant,
as well as certain facts about the motivation and weaponry, are basic
elements of the event that are absolutely appropriate for reporting.
And despite the concern for copycatting, it is the crime - not the criminal
- that can inspire others to follow in the perpetrator’s bloody footsteps.
Racist sympathizers might not recall the gunman’s name or face, but they
certainly know - and applaud - what he did.
Unlike a simple
headshot, images of the shooter in action (as in the Jacksonville rampage)
or menacing poses created by the assailant (such a photo of the Virginia
Tech gunman brandishing weapons that was printed above the fold on the front
page of The New York Times) are gratuitous.
Unfortunately, the news
media sometimes crosses the line from reporting to celebrity watch. For
example, coverage of the man who killed 60 and injured hundreds more at a
Las Vegas outdoor concert in 2017 included his favorite casino games, his
passion for karaoke and even what he ate on the night of the shooting. Such
superfluous details did not help us understand the gunman’s motivation but
only humanized an undeserving individual.
Releasing 'manifestos,' 911 calls are bad
practice from journalists, police alike
It has become common for killers, both the political and pathological,
to post online an explanation for their planned acts of violence. They want
us to know that there was a bonafide reason for murder - by their way of
thinking, it is justifiable homicide. They do not wish to be remembered as
just some nut who killed innocent strangers for no good reason.
unfortunate journalistic practice reflected in the Jacksonville shooting
coverage is to describe the ugly words of a hateful murderer as a
"manifesto" - a term that typically refers to a political position of
someone prominent. The one thing that the young man who in 2015 killed nine
Black worshippers at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, got right is in
insisting that his writings not be characterized in this way.
Covenant School shooting:
Children are terrified of gun violence.
Tennessee lawmakers should listen.
Another recent
trend is for the police to release 911 calls associated with a mass
shooting, sometimes containing the frantic pleas - and potentially the last
words - of someone trapped in a hostage situation.
The terror in the
caller's voice comes through loud and painfully clear. It is impossible not
to empathize with the victim’s feelings of helplessness and horror.
Marathon coverage of mass shootings
Flying drones and camera phones have also provided dramatic sights and
sounds for cable news channels to fill hours of marathon coverage of
dreadful shootings.
Video recordings of frantic shoppers in El Paso,
Texas, fleeing the Walmart where a gunman killed 23 had little value but
considerable downsides. Not only do these recordings replayed over and over
again intensify the audience’s fear by virtually placing them at the scene,
they also play into fantasies of dispirited individuals who would love to
recreate such chaos where they live.
Far better are scenes of a
community showing unity and resilience, such as El Paso residents lining up
to give blood after the massacre.
Technology has enhanced the way
that the news media relays an ongoing story of carnage. Satellite trucks
arrive at the site of a school shooting in time to beam high-def images into
living room TV screens of students jumping from windows or young children
being led to safety with tears still fresh in their eyes.
Do the math on school shootings:
As students head back to school, should parents
worry about shootings?
These frightful images may draw viewers, but
they also fuel the public’s belief that America’s schools are unsafe.
These many aspects of covering active shooter events constitute too much
information, media-style. It would be wise for print and broadcast
journalists to practice the words of police Sgt. Joe Friday from "Dragnet":
"All we want are the facts, ma'am."
James Alan Fox is the Lipman Professor of Criminology, Law and
Public Policy at Northeastern University and a member of the USA TODAY Board
of Contributors.
Website: Follow
him on Twitter @jamesalanfox