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Mass shootings vs. mass killings
James Alan Fox, Aug. 19, 2019
Why is it that so many news
articles and opinion pieces indicate that there are hundreds of mass
shootings each year in the United States, and then go on to cite only
examples of mass killings? Do they want to create mass hysteria?
hundreds of episodes contained in the Gun Violence Archive are frequently
invoked to try to characterize a horrific thing (such as the El Paso and
Dayton massacres) as commonplace, happening at an alarming rate of about one
a day. But by their definition of mass shootings (four or more victims
shot), only one-quarter involve multiple fatalities and only 7 percent reach
the threshold of a mass killing (at least four victim fatalities). The mass
shootings listed in the Gun Violence Archive involve an average of just over
one fatality, which sometimes includes the assailant.
According to
the mass-killing database compiled by the Associated Press, USA Today, and
Northeastern University, there are about two-dozen mass shootings each year
in which four or more victims are killed. Other than a spike in mass
killings in public spaces over the past couple of years, the incidence has
remained relatively flat since at least the mid-2000s.
Of course,
shootings resulting in a large number of injuries are not inconsequential,
and it is worthwhile that these data have been tracked since 2013. However,
they should not be confused with shooting sprees in which large numbers of
victims lose their lives. It is like mixing data on highway accidents with
figures on highway deaths.
In this climate of fear, where active
shooters are seen as the modern-day boogeyman, imprecise reporting can
easily mislead the public, inadvertently creating panic and prompting poorly
conceived policy responses. A headline this week in a California daily, for
example, asserted that mass shootings had nearly tripled since 2000, resting
on the authority of FBI research.
That FBI research, however,
concerned active-shooter events in which a gunman had designs on killing
large numbers of people, whether or not successful. In fact, most of the
time, the shooters failed to realize their goal. In one-quarter of these
episodes, no one was killed, and sometimes no one was even injured. Last
year, word spread like rapid-fire when an active shooter was reported at
YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, Calif. By the time the satellite trucks
and television helicopters had left the scene and cable news channels had
turned to other issues of the day, the only one killed was the 38-year-old
assailant, by her own hand.
More important, the evidence of an
increase that has been cited countless times is deeply flawed by the
inability of finding older cases through open-source news searches. For
example, the FBI data indicate that back in 2000, there was but one person
in the entire United States who picked up a gun with the intention of
slaughtering innocents. Only one? This is hardly plausible in a population
that was then nearly 300 million people, with more than 300 million guns.
More likely, those low-level cases with limited casualties were never
reported in newspapers, nor were there social media sites to spread the
As evidence that the trend is little more than a function of
data recall, consider the change in the FBI's nonfatal active-shooter
events. From 2000 through 2003, where the data were gathered
retrospectively, 9 percent of active shooters killed no one. From 2014
through 2017, where the cases were being identified as they occurred, aided
by the wealth of online news outlets and social media, 27 percent of active
shooters failed to kill anyone. Either active shooters of recent vintage are
not nearly as skilled in marksmanship as their predecessors, or the FBI data
collection efforts were not able to find many of the nonfatal episodes going
way back in time.
Without a doubt, massacres like those that took
place in El Paso and Dayton earlier this month are tragic, having
wide-ranging impacts in terms of the nation's collective sense of safety and
security. Although rare, such large-scale mass killings are terrifying,
since they can happen to anyone, at any time, and at any place. It is
important, however, not to push those fears beyond reasonable limits by
associating these extreme and heavily covered events with data claims based
on incidents of a very different nature.
James Alan Fox is the Lipman
Professor of Criminology, Law and Public Policy at Northeastern University and co-author of "Extreme
Killing: Understanding Serial and Mass Murder." Follow him on Twitter